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Library Hours:  7:45-3:45 M-F
Librarian:  Lisa Danos
Gunnison High School
800 W. Ohio Ave.
Gunnison, CO 81230
970-641-7700 x3500
Fax:  970-641-7709
Email Lisa Danos

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Your library card number is your lunch number, and your password is your last name, all lower case.  You can use this log-in to check out ebooks, audiobooks, and place holds on books.  Come to see Ms. Danos for more information.

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Login and password are both gunnisonhs

Websites you have to visit!
The Noobs Guide to Fantasy and SciFi Reads
Whichbook--Find a great book to read based on your interests
Book Riot--fun stuff about books!
Page-Turner--New Yorker Articles about books
Book Cover ArchiveBook Bub--Free ebooks, discounted books
BookTrib--Get the DL from your favorite authors

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