Presentation and Google Slides Guidelines
Alternatives to Google Slides
Don't Make UGLY Powerpoints!
Plan the template at the start
Consider all the elements listed below
Keep it clean and consistent KISS
Avoid busyness in each slide
Maintain the same style throughout
Changing elements causes confusion
Do not crowd the page
Leave borders on edges
Use borders around illustrations
Choose color carefully
Use the same colors consistently
Select a single background, text, and title colors
Let PowerPoint select colors
Use fewer colors, less is more
Use color to accent information, not as decoration
Avoid placing primary colors next to each other
Red, blue, yellow bleed together
Best background: dark color with light letters
Use cool colors
Blue, turquoise, purple, green
Dark text on light background is an alternative
Graduated backgrounds are effective
Transition from darker to lighter shades in the same hue
Avoid busy backgrounds; they are hard to read
Slide Content
Use one topic per slide
Use phrases only, not sentences
Start with a verb if possible
Do not use punctuation
Use parallelism
Follow the 6 x 6 rule
Six lines of text
Six to eight words per line
Bullets imply no significant order
Use numbers only to show rank or sequence
Use a combination of words, pictures, and graphs in the presentation
Variety keeps the presentation interesting
Proofread and spell check
Type size must be readable
Minimum 36 point for titles
Minimum 24 point for body
Use upper and lower case lettering (Headline Case)
Easiest to read
Avoid using all capital letters
Use a readable font
Use a sans serif (no feet) font for the body
Arial, Tahoma, Verdana
Use serif fonts (with feet) for titles only
Harder to read in smaller font
New Times Roman
Adjust lettering to discriminate or emphasize
Make titles larger than the body
Emphasize important statements or words
Use bold, italic, color, size, or font
Do not use more than 3 type sizes per page
Maintain the same or similar type size on each slide
Even if some slides have less text
Graphics support the spoken word
Clarify ideas
Emphasize key points
Show relationships
Provide needed visual information
Promote understanding
Use quality images, do not pixelate
All images support the message
Use only 1–3 graphics per slide
Graphics face the middle of the slide
Add clip art only where appropriate
Use solid colors on charts
Patterns on bars or pie slices are confusing
Solid colors convey a clear, bold message
Transitions and Special Effects
Special effects should have a purpose
Sound and animation can be distracting
Practice and make sure the slide works
Use the same transition for the entire presentation
Practice so the transition does not interrupt your oral presentation
Slides are NOT the presentation
Focus interest on what is important
Refer to your slides. Do not read slides
Maintain eye contact with the audience. Do not talk to the screen
Use a pointer to indicate salient features
Speak loudly and articulate
Act and dress professionally.
Be prepared.